Not a Spin Brush Gal: Smile Brilliant cariPRO + Giveaway [Now Closed]

For approximately 8 years in my adolescence I had braces, expanders, spacers, retainers and a gum procedure. Looking back, it was a pretty gnarly dental journey. Due to all this, I was given an electric toothbrush in 6th grade and never looked back. I’ve had three total since then (all from a well-known brand) and I have convinced all my in laws to use an electric toothbrush. All that to say, I am extremely picky and passionate when it comes to toothbrushes. Best of the best, you know? I am not a spin brush gal.

Toothbrushes, smiles, etc, I know what I like. You may remember Smile Brilliant from a previous collaboration on their teeth whitening system, which spark notes, I really like and still utilize the system today. Well, they now offer an electric toothbrush. I was excited to try, but didn’t get my hopes up as I was comparing to the brand of electric toothbrush I’ve used for over a decade.


I’ll cut to the chase, I’m actually blown away by the cariPRO Ultrasonic. With 5 different settings, it caters to your daily toothbrushing needs. Clean, white, sensitive, gum care and massage. MVPs in my opinion are the white and gum care settings. White gives you a deep clean while it scrubs away those coffee stains (or for me, double espresso with oat milk and cinnamon). While Gum Care does just that, cares for your gums. Flossing paired with the cleaning and massaging of gums can prevent mild gum disease like gingivitis to the more severe periodontitis.

The cariPRO performs like a pro, but at half the cost. I didn’t think I would be writing this, but I’ll spill…I haven’t touched my previous toothbrush since using Smile Brilliant’s cariPRO Ultrasonic. The cleaning capabilities, the perfect mix of firm and soft bristles, the waterproof feature and the fact that it holds a charge like no other, its basically my dream toothbrush. Not to mention the replacement heads are over half the price of competitors. STOCK UP.

I didn’t think I would be writing this, but I’ll spill…I haven’t touched my previous toothbrush since using Smile Brilliant’s cariPRO Ultrasonic.

If you recall from earlier, I persuaded over four people in my family to use an electric toothbrush, so I’m not stopping my oral hygiene campaign yet! So without further adieu….

Enter to win your own

Smile Brilliant cariPRO HERE.

If you can’t wait or maybe just want an extra one, get 20% off using the code thebrunetteblend20