Stomach Sleepers Unite: Get Your Beauty Sleep with Belly Sleep

You can put layers and layers of lotions and potions on your face, but you’ll never look or feel as great as you can without some good old fashioned beauty sleep. 

[via Pinterest]

[via Pinterest]

Its no secret that sleep is important and is insanely critical to our overall wellbeing. I was sleeping poorly and waking up with horrid neck pain. So bad I spent most of my time with a heated rice sock wrapped around my neck. [Insert Fergie’s GLAMOROUS]

I finally found the culprit of my tense, robotic neck: my pillow. Here’s a little backstory for you. I’m a stomach sleeper. Nothing feels better than laying down with hands underneath my pillow and a leg bent. This is called the ‘free faller’ position and only about 7% of the population sleeps like this [Source]. 

More backstory/fun little snippet. I used to work in the mattress industry. So my knowledge on sleep, mattresses and pillows may be surprising (it is to me). 

Stomach sleeping is essentially the worst sleeping position when it comes to alignment (sorry I like to live dangerously). Its almost better to sleep WITHOUT a pillow to ensure your neck and spine are both aligned. 

Tired (pun) of the discomfort, the laptop came out and I went on my way to research what was going to help me get my beauty sleep AND let me enjoy my beloved free faller sleep position.

Method to madness:

Down pillows or ones stuffed with fluff weren’t for me, they’re always too high. Foam seemed to be the way to go, but we had to get specific. Firm is just that, firm. Not a belly sleeper’s friend. Plush is what we needed, BUT WAIT. Remember when I said it was better sleep on the mattress? That’s the key. The pillow had to be low profile. My Amazon frenzy began. *if I had an evil scientist laugh, it would go here*


I came across Belly Sleep and it had RAVE reviews. They’re name screamed their mission and over 100 reviews backed it up. At that moment, I was so grateful for Amazon’s 2-day shipping. 

My Belly Sleep pillow arrived tightly rolled inside a small box. Once released, it perked up to the perfect size. I’ve never had a pillow I treasured in my life and this is pillow is what I’ve been looking for since I was 5 years old. 

It was super slim to promote proper alignment, had cooling gel to help cool and the Goldilocks firmness when it came to memory foam. 

Its been a few weeks since the Belly Sleep came into my life and I’m being 100% honest when I say I haven’t slept better with a pillow. I feel supported, neck-pain free, comfortable and accepted (free fallers unite!). A bonus little feature is that since its so light, my hands/arms don’t fall asleep.  

If you’re a stomach sleeper and in need of a new pillow, I highly recommend Belly Sleep. No sponsorship here, just a really grateful belly sleeper. 

[via Amazon]

[via Amazon]