How I'm Dealing With Sudden Bouts of Acne

When it comes to those occasional, pesky pimples, I’m no stranger. I know the drill. Don’t pick, tea tree oil, pimples stickers, blah blah blah. Getting things under control was never an issue until several months ago. Clusters of breakouts along my jaw line have been a constant and when I think I’ve tamed it, it flares back up.

My products never changed and I did my best to stay on the minimal side, because the last thing I wanted to was to aggravate my skin. Yet, I would wake up everyday to find the same spots and new ones appearing. It’s frustrating and disheartening when you look in the mirror and don’t look and/or feel like yourself, especially when you’re trying to everything right. I know I’m not the only one to feel this way.

It’s frustrating and disheartening when you look in the mirror and don’t look and/or feel like yourself, especially when you’re trying to everything right.

While I await my dermatologist appointment, a friend of mine (who has really clear skin by the way!) recommended evanhealy, an organic and hand made skincare line that uses minimal ingredients. Like the gem she is, she went to Whole Foods with me to pick up their two-week trial kit (side note: how great is it that you can get a trial size?). Inside was a cleanser, toner, oil, day moisturizer, and clay mask. I am not lying to you when I say within two days of using the products my skin noticeably calmed down. All while using way less product.


One thing that was new to me was their oil + water combination. Their HydroSoul (acts as a toner) mixed with their oil serum creates a way to moisturize and balance pH - you’ll also notice that it absorbs much faster into the skin, too. Like most people, I think I’ve been fixating on moisturizing to the point where it may not be as beneficially as I had thought. While we sleep, our skin is busy at work regenerating and detoxifying. Due to that, evanhealy recommends keeping it SUPER simple in the evening. After cleansing, I’ve been sticking to the oil + water ritual to allow my skin to breathe and hopefully heal.

Checking in nearly two weeks later my skin has made a drastic improvement. While my skin isn’t 100% clear, it hasn’t had any crazy flare ups since using the evanhealy Blue Sensitive Face Care Kit .

Of course there are SO MANY factors when it comes to skin issues and how to care/treat them. In addition to the evanhealy kit, I’m also…

  • Going to see a dermatologist at the end of the month

  • Changing my pillowcase every few days

  • Removing makeup as soon as I get home

  • Looking into more natural makeup to incorporate (why not?)

  • Continuing to wash my makeup brushes

  • Giving my skin time to breathe

  • Continue to eat whole, nutrient dense foods

We’ll see how all of this goes, but I’m feeling more confident and hopeful after these past two weeks! If you’re dealing with something similar, I hope it gets better.